Winnissimet National Bank of Chelsea
Commonwealth Atlantic National Bank of Boston
Atlantic National Bank of Boston
First National Bank of Hyannis
Melrose National Bank, Melrose
National City Bank of Chelsea
First National Bank of Grafton
First National Bank of Easton
Shoe and Leather National Bank of Boston
Naumkeag National Bank of Salem
Somerville National Bank, Somerville
First National Bank of Westfield
Hampshire County National Bank of Northampton
First National Bank of Gardner
Lee National Bank, Lee
Old Lowell National Bank, Lowell
First National Bank of Ipswich
Millbury National Bank, Millbury
First National Bank of Westboro
Amesbury National Bank
First National Bank of Worcester
Atlas National Bank of Boston
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers National Bank of Boston
Engineers National Bank of Boston
Hingham National Bank, Hingham
Continental National Bank of Boston
Medford National Bank, Medford
First National Bank of Boston
First National Bank of Easthampton